|| Wenxiao Wang || 王闻箫

|| Wenxiao Wang || 王闻箫

Assistant Professor

Zhejiang University


I am an assistant professor at the School of Software Technology, Zhejiang University. I received my bachelor and Ph.D. degree in computer science and technology from Zhejiang University in 2017 and 2022, respectively. My Ph.D. advisors are Prof. Deng Cai and Prof. Xiaofei He.

My research interests include machine learning, deep learning, and computer vision. The specific topics include knowledge distillation, neural network pruning, neural architecture search (NAS), vision transformer, etc.

wenxiaowang@zju.edu.cn / zjdxwwx@163.com

  • Ph.D. in Computer Science, 2022

    Zhejiang University

  • Bachelor in Computer Science, 2017

    Zhejiang University


* indicates the corresponding author.

Toward Better Accuracy-Efficiency Trade-Offs: Divide and Co-Training
Shuai Zhao, Liguang Zhou, Wenxiao Wang, Deng Cai, Tin Lun Lam, Yangsheng Xu
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (TIP), 2022.
[link] [code]

Graph R-CNN: Towards Accurate 3D Object Detection with Semantic-Decorated Local Graph
Honghui Yang, Zili Liu, Xiaopei Wu, Wenxiao Wang*, Wei Qian, Xiaofei He, Deng Cai
European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), 2022. (Oral)
[link] [code]

Masked autoencoders for point cloud self-supervised learning
Yatian Pang, Wenxiao Wang, Francis EH Tay, Wei Liu, Yonghong Tian, Li Yuan
European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), 2022.
[link] [code]

CrossFormer: A Versatile Vision Transformer Hinging on Cross-scale Attention
Wenxiao Wang, Lu Yao, Long Chen, Binbin Lin, Deng Cai, Xiaofei He, Wei Liu
International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), 2022.
[link] [code] [report1] [report2] [report3]

Accelerate CNNs from Three Dimensions: A Comprehensive Pruning Framework
Wenxiao Wang, Minghao Chen, Shuai Zhao, Long Chen, Jinming Hu, Haifeng Liu, Deng Cai, Xiaofei He, Wei Liu
International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 2021. (Spotlight)
[link] [report1]

DBP: Discrimination Based Block-Level Pruning for Deep Model Acceleration
Wenxiao Wang, Shuai Zhao, Minghao Chen, Jinming Hu, Deng Cai, Haifeng Liu
preprint arXiv:1912.10178

COP: Customized Deep Model Compression via Regularized Correlation-Based Filter-Level Pruning
Wenxiao Wang, Cong Fu, Jishun Guo, Deng Cai, Xiaofei He
International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), 2019. (Oral)
[link] [code]


Research Intern
Dec 2020 – Present Shenzhen
Advisor: Dr. Wei Liu
Research Intern
Aug 2017 – Dec 2019 Hangzhou
Exchange Student
Sep 2016 – Mar 2017 Hongkong
Teaching Assistant
Zhejiang University
Aug 2016 – Aug 2016 Hangzhou

Teacher: Prof. Yale Patt
My responsibilities include:

  • Review of theory courses
  • Instruction of experimental courses

Professional Activities

Reviewer of NeurIPS, ICML, ICLR, ICCV, ACM MM, CVPR, AAAI, etc.
Invited reviewer of TPAMI, TNNLS, Pattern Recognition and Neurocomputing.